// (c) 2012+ Altruja GmbH. See https://altruja.de for more information. function altruja() { } (function () { function main() { //// Globally (within the embed script) accessible variables //// Configuration - never overwrite these var default_eid = 'cgxf'; var boost_eid = ''; var links = {"wwez":"https://bh-b.de/de/ueber-uns/spenden/index.php","biez":"https://bh-b.de/de/ueber-uns/spenden/index.php","aw27":"https://bh-b.de/de/ueber-uns/spenden/index.php","cgxf":"https://bh-b.de/de/ueber-uns/spenden/index.php","o14y":"https://bh-b.de/de/ueber-uns/spenden/index.php","znwm":"https:\/\/altruja.de\/neuer-spendenanlass-4492\/","zsai":"https:\/\/altruja.de\/neues-spendenformular-2518\/","imhx":"https:\/\/altruja.de\/neues-spendenformular-2550\/","ilvm":"https://bh-b.de/de/ueber-uns/spenden/index.php","g1y0":"https://bh-b.de/de/ueber-uns/spenden/index.php","ny4b":"https://bh-b.de/de/ueber-uns/spenden/index.php","qlfm":"https://bh-b.de/de/ueber-uns/spenden/index.php"}; var slugs = 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options.inplace = true; return makeButton(options); }; snippets.page = function (options) { var fragment, container; fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); container = makeIframe(options); fragment.appendChild(container); return fragment; }; // JavaScript based media-query like hiding behavior var hiddenForSmallScreen = []; function hideForSmallScreen(element) { hiddenForSmallScreen.push(element); hideIfSmallScreen(); } function hideIfSmallScreen() { var isSmallScreen = windowWidth() < 1100; for (var i = 0; i < hiddenForSmallScreen.length; i++) { var element = hiddenForSmallScreen[i]; element.style.visibility = isSmallScreen ? 'hidden' : 'visible'; } } bean.on(window, 'load', hideIfSmallScreen); bean.on(window, 'resize', hideIfSmallScreen); //// Actions - these get called depending on the logic in the route function, which gets called by the controller // The point is to have some JavaScript MVC, when we are injecting whole pages into the user web site. // So use an action to display a whole page of content depending on the location, // that will not normally be displayed alongside the content of other actions. // Just add code to the end of this script for more generic functionality. var actions = (function (parameters) { this.none = function (parameters) { }; this.button = function (parameters) { replaced(function (count) { if (count.page > 0) { return; } if (null != document.getElementById('234kjh')) { return; } if (count.button > 0) { return; } var button = makeButton({ position: parameters.position, slug: default_slug, link: makeLink('') }); hideForSmallScreen(button); document.body.appendChild(button); }); }; this.page = function (parameters) { domready(hideFlash); bean.on(window, 'load', hideFlash); var overlay = makeOverlay(parameters); var resize_height = 0; bean.on(window, 'resize', function () { overlay.adapt(resize_height); }); bean.on(window, 'ef.msg.resize', function (e) { overlay.adapt(e.data.height); }); document.body.appendChild(overlay); overlay.content.appendChild(makeIframe(parameters)); console.log("insertiframe"); snippets['button'] = function () {return makeButtonSpacer()}; snippets['page'] = function () {return document.createTextNode('')}; }; return this; }).call({}); //// Controller - Picks the appropriate action to take and executes it function controller() { var parameters = route(); actions[parameters.action](parameters); } //// Controller utility functions function destroy(callback) { function select() { return document.getElementsByClassName('ef-234kjh') } var els; while ((els = select()).length) { var el = els[0]; function finish () { if (el.destroy) { el.destroy(); } else { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } } finish(); } } function reroute() { destroy(function () { }); controller(); } // Determines whether a legacy script code is present on the page function hasLegacy() { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { if (scripts[i].src && scripts[i].src.indexOf('altruja.de/js/embed.js') > 0) { return true; } } return false; } function containsParam(param) { var loc = document.location.href.indexOf('?'); if (loc > 0) { loc = document.location.href.indexOf(param+'=', loc); if (loc > 0) { // URL contains ? and ef-page=, must be a page link return true; } } return false; } function isPage() { return containsParam('ef-page'); } function isBoost() { return containsParam('ef-boost'); } var noTeaser = ["website-start.de"]; function teaserBlacklisted() { var url = window.location.href; for (i = 0; i < noTeaser.length; i++) { if (null !== url.match(noTeaser[i])) { return true; } } return false; } function route() { //dbg//console/g.log(1); if (hasLegacy()) { return { action: 'none' }; } //dbg//console/g.log(2); if (isPage()) { return { action: 'page', contents: '', eid: default_eid, width: 'slim' }; } //dbg//console/g.log(3); //dbg//console/g.log(6); return { action: 'button', position: 0 }; return {action: 'none'}; // By default, do nothing } //// DOM Utility functions // Prepares an injected div for use in the customer site // These will always be absolute // resets as many properties as possible function prepDiv(el) { el.style.border="none"; el.style.padding="0"; el.style.margin="0"; el.style.background="transparent"; el.style.backgroundImage="none"; el.style.textAlign="left"; el.style.fontSize="12px"; el.style.fontFamily="Arial,Helvetica"; el.style.display="block"; el.style.left="auto"; el.style.right="auto"; el.style.top="auto"; el.style.bottom="auto"; el.style.position="absolute"; return el; } // Creates a universal button // 0=top right // 1=top left // 2=bottom left; // 3=buttom right; function makeButton(options) { var el = document.createElement('div'); prepDiv(el); el.style.zIndex=2147483647 // 2 ^ 31 - 1, highest unsigned int //el.style.width="300px"; //el.style.height="300px"; switch(options.position) { case 1: el.style.right="5px"; el.style.top="5px"; break; /* // TODO case 2: el.style.right="5px"; el.style.bottom="5px"; break; case 3: el.style.left="5px"; el.style.bottom="5px"; break; */ case 0: default: el.style.right="15px"; el.style.top="15px"; break; } el.innerHTML = buttonTemplate.replace('LINK', options.link).replace('SLUG', options.slug); if (options.inplace) { el = el.firstChild; } return el; } // Keep content in place when opening overlay function makeButtonSpacer() { var el = document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML=buttonTemplate; el.style.height = el.firstChild.style.height; el.style.width = el.firstChild.style.width; el.removeChild(el.firstChild); return el; } function makeLink(link) { var base = window.location.href; var loc; loc=base.indexOf('ef-page='); if (loc > 0) { base = base.substring(0,loc-1); } loc=base.indexOf('ef-boost='); if (loc > 0) { base = base.substring(0,loc-1); } if ( ! link && link !== '') { return base; } var delimiter = base.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&'; return base + delimiter + 'ef-page=1' + (link ? ('&'+link) : ''); } function offset(element) { var t=0; var l=0; do { t += element.offsetTop || 0; l += element.offsetLeft || 0; element = element.offsetParent; } while(element); return {left: l, top: t}; } function makeOverlay(parameters) { var zIndexBase=2147483647; var link = makeLink(); var height = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].scrollHeight; var overlay = prepDiv(document.createElement('div')); overlay.style.width='100%'; overlay.style.height=height+'px'; overlay.style.top=0; overlay.style.left=0; overlay.style.zIndex = zIndexBase; overlay.id='ef-overlay'; var shade = prepDiv(document.createElement('div')); shade.style.width='100%'; shade.style.height='100%'; shade.style.backgroundColor = 'black'; shade.style.opacity=0.5; shade.style.filter="alpha(opacity=50)"; shade.style.zIndex=zIndexBase; shade.style.position="fixed"; if (ie) { shade.style.position = "absolute"; } shade.style.left = 0; shade.style.top = 0; shade.id='ef-shade'; overlay.appendChild(shade); var content = prepDiv(document.createElement('div')); content.style.width=parameters.width=='slim' ? '600px' : 'calc(100% - 60px)'; if (content.style.maxWidth) { content.style.maxWidth=parameters.width=='slim' ? 'auto' : '1200px'; } content.style.zIndex=zIndexBase; content.style.position="relative"; content.style.marginTop="18px"; content.style.marginBottom="18px"; content.style.marginLeft="auto"; content.style.marginRight="auto"; content.style.paddingTop="18px"; content.style.paddingRight="12px"; content.style.paddingBottom="18px"; content.style.paddingLeft="12px"; content.style.backgroundColor="white"; content.style.boxShadow="3px 3px 20px #000"; content.id='ef-content'; if (ie) { content.style.border = '1px #000000 solid'; content.style.position = "absolute"; content.style.left="50%"; content.style.marginLeft="-300px"; // slim only content.style.right="auto"; content.style.top="10px"; } overlay.appendChild(content); var close = prepDiv(document.createElement('a')); close.style.width='30px'; close.style.height='30px'; close.style.backgroundPosition='-40px 0'; close.style.backgroundImage='url(https://altruja.de/a/trancybox/trancybox.png)'; close.style.right='-15px'; close.style.top='-15px'; close.style.zIndex=zIndexBase; close.style.outline='none'; close.href=link; close.id='ef-close'; content.appendChild(close); function adapt(height) { var adapt_height = Math.max(height + 95, windowHeight()); overlay.style.height = adapt_height + 'px'; shade.style.height = (adapt_height + 36) + 'px'; bean.fire(document.body, 'ef.adapt', {height:adapt_height}); } overlay.adapt = adapt; overlay.content = content; return overlay; } //// Event handlers // Window onload function load() { } function find() { } //// Event utility functions // Execute when replacements have been made, // or immediately if already the case var replacement_complete = false; var replacement_count = { page: 0, button: 0 }; function replaced(callback) { if (replacement_complete) { return callback(replacement_count); } bean.on(window, 'ef.replaced', function (e) { callback(replacement_count); }); } //// DOM utility functions var tick = 10, ticks = 0, maxticks = 10; //var isiPad = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null; //if (ie || isiPad) { // tick = 200; //} function waitForBody (callback) { if (document.body) { window.setTimeout(callback, 0); } window.setTimeout(waitForBody, tick); } // Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2579666/getelementsbytagname-equivalent-for-textnodes function eachNode(callback, complete, root) { var node = root; while(true) { callback(node); if (node.hasChildNodes()) { node = node.firstChild; } else { while(node.nextSibling == null && node != root) { node = node.parentNode; } if (root == node) { return complete(); } else { node = node.nextSibling; } } } } //// Initialization (kick off the code) // Run the function called load when window is loaded (window.addEventListener?function (callback) {window.addEventListener('load', callback)}:function (callback){window.attachEvent('onload', callback)})(load); // Kick off the controller controller(); //// End of MVC-portion dedicated to full pages content insertion. //// From here on is arbitrary code again with no specific structure requirements. //// domready(foo) is equivalent mini framework to $(document).ready(foo) //// First time run // Placeholder replacement function extractEid(part) { if (0 == part.search(/-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}/)) { return part.substr(1,4).toLowerCase(); } return null; } function makeSnippet(placeholder, eid,lang) { options = { eid: eid, link: makeLink(slugs[eid]), slug: slugs[eid], lang: lang }; return snippets[placeholder](options); } function makeFragment(placeholder, parts, nullify) { var options, snippet; fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); fragment.appendChild(document.createTextNode(parts[0])); n = parts.length; for (i = 1; i < n; i = i + 1) { argument = parts[i]; var lang = null; if (0 == argument.search(/-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}/)) { eid = argument.substr(1,4).toLowerCase(); parts[i] = argument = argument.substr(5); if (0 == argument.search(/-[a-zA-Z]{2}/)) { lang = argument.substr(1,2).toLowerCase(); parts[i] = argument = argument.substr(3); } } else { eid = default_eid; } if (nullify) { snippet = document.createTextNode(''); } else { snippet = makeSnippet(placeholder, eid, lang); } fragment.appendChild(snippet); fragment.appendChild(document.createTextNode(parts[i])); } return fragment; } var pageElements = [], pagePartses = [], buttonElements = [], buttonPartses = [] ; function replaceNode(element) { var value, parts, eid, options, i, n, fragment, argument; switch(element.nodeType) { case 3: // text case 8: // comment break; default: return; } for (key in placeholders) { value = placeholders[key]; parts = element.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split(value); // ie8 does not do trim if (parts.length > 1) { element.nodeValue = ''; var placeholder = value.split('-')[1].toLowerCase(); switch(placeholder) { case 'page': pageElements.push(element); pagePartses.push(parts); //var fragment = makeFragment("page", parts, true); //element.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, element); //replacement_count["page"]++; break; case 'button': buttonElements.push(element); buttonPartses.push(parts); break; } } } } function findWideParent(element) { var width = 0, minWidth = 897; while (width < minWidth && element != document.body) { element = element.parentNode; try { width = element.clientWidth || width; } catch (e) { } } return element; } function replacementsComplete() { var i, n, element, fragment, page; 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IE<9 not supported.) domready(replacePlaceholders); // Make backlink subtle fast var backlink = null; function subtleBacklink(backlink) { if (!backlink) { backlink = document.getElementById('ef-bl-x7jn2nd9j'); if (null == backlink) { return window.setTimeout(function () { subtleBacklink(null); }, 10); } } backlink.style.position = 'absolute'; backlink.style.display = 'block'; backlink.style.zIndex = 2147483647; backlink.style.bottom = 'auto'; backlink.style.left = 'auto'; backlink.style.top = 'auto'; backlink.style.right = 'auto'; backlink.style.bottom = 'auto'; backlink.style.top = (docHeight()-20)+'px'; } subtleBacklink(); domready(function () { subtleBacklink(backlink); }); bean.on(window, 'load', function () { subtleBacklink(backlink); }); bean.on(document.body, 'ef.adapt', function () { subtleBacklink(backlink); }); function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }, wait); if (immediate && !timeout) func.apply(context, args); }; } bean.on(window, 'ef.msg.resize', debounce(function (e, data) { bean.fire(window, 'ef.msg.resize-debounced', [e, data]); }, 150)); bean.on(window, 'message', function (e) { var data; try { data = (JSON.parse || JSON.decode /*mootools support*/)(e.data); } catch (x) { // Ignore non-json messages, they are not ours return; } if (data.ns != 'ef') { return; } delete data.ns; var name = data.name; delete data.name; e.data = data; bean.fire(window, 'ef.msg.'+name, [e, data]); }); bean.on(window, 'ef.msg.param', function (e, data) { var url; if (data.dir == 'add') { url = addParam(window.location.href, data.param, data.value); } else { url = removeParam(window.location.href, data.param); } history.replaceState({}, null, url); if (pageElements.length > 0) { // pages that contain donation forms (other iframes); window.location.reload(); } else { // regular case reroute(); } }); var pageFrame = null; bean.on(window, 'scroll', function (e) { if (pageFrame == null) { pageFrame = document.getElementById('234kjh'); if (pageFrame == null) { return; } } var top = Math.max(0, window.pageYOffset - pageFrame.offsetTop); pageFrame.contentWindow.postMessage('{"ns":"ef","name":"scroll","top":"'+top+'"}', '*'); }); function addParam(url, param, value) { if (-1 == url.indexOf(param)) { url = url + (-1 == url.indexOf('?') ? 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